Indian Buyer and Supplier Data with Shipment Detail?

With international trade being a major economic driver, having access to detailed import and export data can provide Indian businesses with valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

One company at the forefront of unlocking the power of this trade data is Siomex.

Siomex provides authoritative import export data for companies looking to expand their cross-border operations.

The data is sourced directly from Indian Customs and includes comprehensive information on all India’s export and import transactions.

Key datasets provided by Siomex:

Import Data – This includes granular details on products imported into India like importer name and address, overseas supplier details, HS classification codes, product description, origin and destination ports, quantity, total value, etc.

The data helps businesses identify potential suppliers, analyze demand trends, and make strategic sourcing decisions.

Export Data – It covers specifics of products exported from India such as exporter name and address, foreign buyer name and address, HS codes, product description, shipping port, quantity, total value, etc.

This assists companies in finding new overseas buyers and assessing competitor activity.

Customs Shipment Data – It consists of records of all customs transactions including Bill of Entry and Shipping Bill information.

This provides authoritative data on actual shipments like weight, assessment value, duty paid, etc. Useful for trade analysis, compliance and logistics.

Analytics and Trends – Siomex also provides insightful analytics like dashboards, visualizations, and reports to identify opportunities based on trade patterns, growth markets, emerging products, etc. Historical data enables analysis of trends.

Benefits of using Siomex’s import export data:

Discover new markets for exports based on demand

Identify alternate import suppliers to source competitively

Analyze market trends and statistics for strategic decisions

Benchmark against competitors

Monitor competitor shipment patterns and new products

Qualify new overseas buyers and suppliers using contact and shipment records

Plan logistics and supply chain efficiently using shipment data

Ensure compliance with latest import and export regulations

 early identify issues disrupting trade flow based on analytics

This data can provide end-to-end visibility and actionable insights across the trade value chain – from sourcing and sales to logistics and regulations.


By using Siomex’s rich repository of official import and export data, Indian companies can explore trade opportunities, optimize operations, improve competitiveness and power data-driven business growth

With increasing digitalization, real time access to authoritative foreign trade data is invaluable.

As a pioneering import export data provider, Siomex enables easy access to this high-value data digitally.

Businesses aiming to expand globally can derive significant value from Siomex’s offerings to unlock the full potential of India’s international trade.—suppliers-import-and-export-data

What are the latest trends of export and import in India?

India is a country that induldges in import and export of goods and services . The import export data of India shows that there are many factors tha affect  India’s export and import trends like  global economic conditions, government policies and industry-specific dynamics.

If you are someone who is looking to expand your import export business or entering this world then . This post will show you some latest trends in export and import in India:

Here are some trends

Export Trends

Some of the texport trends shown by export data India are

Record-High Exports: In the financial year 2022-23 India achieved its highest-ever merchandise exports reaching a record high of US$417 billion

This growth was mainly driven by sectors such as petroleum products, engineering goods, gems and jewelry organic and inorganic chemicals and textiles

Crossing Targets: India crossed the targets that government gave . They gave a target of US$400 B for exports in the year 22-23

This shows that  the Indian exporters have an ability to overcome challenges It also includes  those  people who a posed by the global pandemic

Focus on Diversification: India has been working very hard to diversify its export markets and product range.

 The top export destinations of India include the United StatesUnited Arab Emirates, China, Bangladesh, and Hong Kong

Key export products include refined petroleum, diamonds, packaged medicines  jewelry, and rice

Import Trends:

The import data India shows the following trends in India imports

Increased Imports: India’s imports of goods have been increasing, leading to a significant trade deficit of 87.5 percent in FY 2022-23

The top imported products include crude petroleum, gold, coal diamonds, and petroleum gas

China is the largest import partner for India

Rising Demand for Commodities: India’s imports of commodities such as crude oil, coal, and gold have been on the rise

This is because of the increased industrial activity, energy requirements and consumer demand.

Trade Deficit: India’s trade deficit increased to US$192.41 billion in FY 2022-23 . It also shows that iimports are more than  exports by a big margin.

This highlights the need for measures to boost exports and reduce dependence on imports.

Government Initiatives:

The Indian government has issued many policies and schemes and programs in order to improve the country exports and reduce the trade deficit. Some of the important initiatives include

Export Promotion Schemes:

The government has added many schemes likeĀ  Merchandise Exports from India Scheme and the Export Promotion Capital Goods scheme to grow more exports and provide support to exporters

Atmanirbhar Bharat: The government’s Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India) initiative aims to promote domestic manufacturing and reduce dependence on imports.

This initiative includes measures such as production-linked incentives for various sectors

Trade Agreements: The import export data shows that India has been doing a lot of  trade agreements and negotiations with various countries and regions to increase market access for its exports.


In this post we saw how India has shown a good improvement in export although the imports were more . We saw some trends that India showed .

If you wish to learn more about trade related information then you should visit Siomex.

What products does the USA import from India

India is a country with interesting traditions and a growing economy. The global import export data tells that India has become important in the world of trading because it exports many different things that are in demand across the global market.

Some of the things it exports are new technology and gadgets while others are agricultural goods or beautiful crafts that are handmade

The United States imports such items from India and people there really like them because they are of good quality and affordable.

India and the United States help each other by trading these things with each other. The relationship between India and USA is similar to that of a special friend where both countries benefit.

In this post we’ll look at some of the items the USA imports from India

Here are a few items that USA imports from India

Leather Items

The important commodities that India exports to the USA are mostly leather goods. India has become the top-ranked exporter worldwide in the distribution of accessories or leather goods.

India’s export data shows that the majority of the leather products that are exported from India to the USA include belts, pouches, purses, handbags, and a wide variety of other items.

Numerous gift items such as leather journals, bound notebooks, and key rings, are also in high demand on the global market.

Many businesses in India, both large and small are also constantly involved in exporting leather goods to the USA and countries.

Medical appliances

Chinese medical appliances are well-known worldwide and sold in greater variety & quality abroad. The import-export data shows that one of the biggest sectors of Indian exports to the United States is medicine.

The popular supplies include bandages, absorbent gauze, surgical caps made of crepe, sterile gloves and disposable surgical face masks.

 digital imaging software is an example of a unique appliance that has strong market position on the global market.

Frozen Flesh

Frozen items like frozen meat and flesh are in very high demand in the USA as it has a great taste which is making them so popular.

It includes various nonveg items like fish, pork, and prawns as well as rice varieties all of which have potential markets outside of the country.

India has an abundance of different fish species, including prawns.

Indian exporters work to maintain and retain the highest quality of meat exported from India through the reliable sale of their goods.

Agricultural products

 India exports a large number of items related to agriculture to the USA since the country’s climate and geographic position make it easy for various types of vegetation to flourish there.

The United States of America desires agricultural items that are grown organically hence it is a big market for India to export agricultural products.

 Australia, France, Italy, Singapore, China, Canada, Germany, Sweden, and Saudi Arabia are major export markets for Indian producers.

India is the world’s greatest producer and exporter of ginger and okra, which are followed by a variety of other agricultural goods like fruits and vegetables.

 Potatoes, cabbage, onions, tomatoes and many more are examples of vegetables. Bananas, mangoes, guavas and other fruits are examples of fruit.


India represents 15% of all textile exports because there is a sizable market there. Exports of textiles from India to the USA have been rising and the textile industry is moving in the direction of higher growth and success in other countries as well.

When opposed to exports local textile manufacturers produce their products at a lower cost. According to the global import-export data The most sought-after textile goods to export in the us and global market are silk and khadi.

Gems and precious metals

Gems and precious metals are the second-largest export from India to the USA in terms of dollar value; their combined market worth is over $40 billion.


The few things that are most frequently shipped to the USA include equipment parts for agricultural machinery, textile twister machinery, cement machinery and compressor machinery.

Checklist for Exporting to the USA from India

Indian products are in great demand in the US market. However, it is not possible to start exporting goods to India from the US right once. There are some things to bear in mind for the enterprise to be successful.

Before entering the market, one must do thorough market research on the majority of exported goods and USA import-export business circumstances.

The top exporters from India can locate suitable markets in the USA and increase sales by gaining knowledge on this front.

Before starting to export in the USA from India one must comprehend and abide by government regulations.

 Businesses may find themselves in a pickle in the middle of the smooth exporting from India journey if some conditions are too tough.

But where can you find all this information? Don’t worry Siomex got you covered

Siomex is the leading import-export data provider that can help you provide all information at one place together . Visit now